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The 37 Greatest Math Quotes of All Time

The 37 Greatest Math Quotes of All Time

Inspiring and Motivational Quotes About Math for Students

The Best Motivational and Inspirational Math Quotes for Kids (Image: Mashup Math FP)

Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers. -Shakuntala Devi

Mathematics is an alluring and inspiring subject that has captivated inquisitive minds for thousands of years. Yet, helping your students to have a passion and appreciation for the beauty of mathematics can be a difficult task.

One way to give your students insight into the wonders and mysterious charm of math is by sharing and discussing inspiring math quotes. Many teachers opt to share a quote of the week or post a bulletin board in their classroom with inspiring quotes about math on display.

While there are hundreds of math quotes to be found online, many of them are not exactly inspiring, interesting, or even appropriate for students. So, we have compiled a list of the 37 best math quotes for students along with several corresponding image graphics that you can display in your classroom digitally or by printing them out.

We call our list The 37 Greatest Math Quotes of All Time because it is just that. Below, you will find inspiring, insightful, and even funny math quotes from some of history and modern day’s wisest and most talented male and female mathematicians from various backgrounds.

So, go ahead and scroll through this awesome collection of math quotes. You will be sure to find many that will fill you and your students with inspiration, motivation, and even a renewed passion for the greatest subject there ever was—math!

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The 37 Greatest Math Quotes of All Time

The first of our inspirational math quotes dates back to the 16th century.

Math is like going to the gym for your brain.—Is this one of the best quotes about math ever!?

This statement on the importance of understanding is one of the best math quotes of all time.

A list of the greatest math quotes of all time would not be complete without including Albert Einstein. (Image: Mashup Math MJ)

This insight by famous Indian mathematician Shakuntala Devi is one of the most inspirational math quotes of all time.

This insight from James Joseph Sylvester is another simple, yet impactful, quotes about math.

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Funny Math Quotes

The last portion of our list includes some funny math quotes to add a little humor into your classroom.

Looking for more math humor? Check out these super cute and funny math jokes and puns for students.

The first of our funny math quotes is from Snoop Dogg.

Using Math Quotes to Inspire Your Students

While these quotes are excellent for posting in your classroom to inspire your students on a daily basis, you can also use them to foster whole class or small group discussions about math or even as a writing prompt for a math journal entry (we recommend the I Think… I Notice… I Wonder… model for math journaling).

Luckily, there are many ways to share these math quotes with your students. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Write a favorite math quote on the board for students to see when they enter class.

  • Select a favorite quote to place underneath your professional email sign-off.

  • Copy-and-paste your favorite quotes onto a word document that can be printed and posted in your classroom or somewhere in your school.

  • Have your students create their own inspirational math quotes.

  • Put an inspirational math quote at the header or footer of quizzes, tests, exams, etc.

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