Geometry Worksheets
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▶️ Practice with square roots (A)
▶️ Practice with square roots (B)
▶️ Adding and Subtracting Radicals (A)
▶️ Adding and Subtracting Radicals (B)
▶️ Multiplying and Dividing Radicals (A)
▶️ Multiplying and Dividing Radicals (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (add/subtract) (A)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (add/subtract) (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (multiply/divide) (A)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (multiply/divide) (B)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (A)
▶️ Solving one-step algebraic equations (4 operations) (B)
▶️ Solving two-step algebraic equations (A)
▶️ Solving two-step algebraic equations (B)
▶️ Solving two-step algebraic equations (C)
▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (A)
▶️ Solving 2-sided algebraic equations (B)
▶️ Plotting Points (All Quadrants) (A)
▶️ Plotting Points (All Quadrants) (B)
▶️ Reading Points (All Quadrants) (A)
▶️ Reading Points (All Quadrants) (B)
▶️ Finding slope from a graph (A)
▶️ Finding slope from a graph (B)
▶️ Graphing lines in slope-intercept form (A)
▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (A)
▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (B)
▶️ Find the area of each rectangle (C)
▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (A)
▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (B)
▶️ Draw the figure given the area (using a grid) (C)
▶️ Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (A)
▶️ Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (B)
▶️ Find area/perimeter of irregular rectangular shapes (C)
▶️ Find area of parallelograms (A)
▶️ Find area of parallelograms (B)
▶️ Find area of trapezoids (A)
▶️ Find area of trapezoids (B)
▶️ Find the surface area of a rectangular prism (A)
▶️ Find the surface area of a rectangular prism (B)
▶️ Find the surface area of a sphere (A)
▶️ Find the surface area of a sphere (B)
▶️ Find the surface area of a cylinder (A)
▶️ Find the surface area of a cylinder (B)
▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (A)
▶️ Drawing lines of symmetry (B)
▶️ Angle pair relationships (A)
▶️ Angle pair relationships (B)
▶️ Parallel lines and transversals (simple) (A)
▶️ Parallel lines and transversals (simple) (B)
▶️ Parallel lines and transversals (algebraic) (A)
▶️ Parallel lines and transversals (algebraic) (B)
▶️ Classifying lines, line segments, and rays (A)
▶️ Classifying lines, line segments, and rays (B)
▶️ Classifying angles: right, acute, or obtuse (A)
▶️ Classifying angles: right, acute, or obtuse (B)
▶️ Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (A)
▶️ Classifying parallel and perpendicular lines (B)
▶️ Estimating angle measures (A)
▶️ Estimating angle measures (B)
▶️ Measurement word problems (in, ft, and yds) (A)
▶️ Measurement word problems (in, ft, and yds) (B)
▶️ Measurement word problems (cm, mm, and m) (A)
▶️ Measurement word problems (cm, mm, and m) (B)
▶️ Length word problems (in inches) (A)
▶️ Length word problems (in inches) (B)
▶️ Length word problems (in centimeters) (A)
▶️ Length word problems (in centimeters) (B)
▶️ Area of a circle word problems (A)
▶️ Area of a circle word problems (B)
▶️ Circumference of a circle word problems (A)
▶️ Circumference of a circle word problems (B)
▶️ Area and perimeter of a rectangle word problems (A)
▶️ Area and perimeter of a rectangle word problems (B)
▶️ Volume of rectangular prism word problems (A)
▶️ Volume of rectangular prism word problems (B)
▶️ Volume of rectangular prism word problems (C)
▶️ Pythagorean Theorem word problems (A)
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